Hair Care

Beware of Fake Henna Products! Not Everything Labeled as “Henna” is Genuine.

Organic & Natural Heena Powder

Henna that comes from a plant is harmless and mild. Since ancient times, it has been utilized both medically and cosmetically. However, it is also highly perishable and preparation takes skill and time. Unfortunately, some businesses add harmful substances to avoid this issue. These have damaged internal organs and resulted in burns, scarring, They have even resulted in death in extreme circumstances.

Sadly,in the market , the fake henna powder contains some components that are poisonous and have negative effects. Petrol, kerosene, lighter fluid, paint thinner, benzene and PPD (p-phenylenediamine or paraphenylenediamine) are a few of the ingredients. These may harm your body in ways that are invisible.PPD is a common component in hair colour, however it’s usually present in concentrations lower than 3% (the package also warns against letting it touch your scalp). PPD has been found in fake “henna” products at concentrations of 10–40%! Even though the majority of these substances are prohibited under US law.

Here are some of the potential risks associated with artificial henna

Allergic Reactions

PPD is a potent allergen, and many people can develop allergic reactions to it. Symptoms may include redness, itching, swelling, blistering, or even severe skin rashes. Some individuals may also experience more severe allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis, which requires immediate medical attention.

Chemical Burns

Artificial henna can cause chemical burns on the skin. PPD is a strong dye that can irritate and damage the skin, particularly if left on for an extended period or applied in high concentrations. This can result in painful burns, skin discoloration, or scarring.


Repeated or prolonged exposure to PPD in artificial henna can lead to sensitization, where the body becomes increasingly sensitive to the chemical. Once sensitized, even small amounts of PPD can trigger severe allergic reactions in the future.

Contact Dermatitis

Artificial henna can cause contact dermatitis, which is an inflammation of the skin that occurs when it comes into contact with an irritant or allergen. Contact dermatitis can cause itching, redness, and swelling of the skin.

Mislabeling and Adulteration

Some artificial henna products may be mislabeled or adulterated, meaning they contain additional harmful ingredients that are not disclosed on the packaging. These undisclosed ingredients could further increase the risk of adverse effects.

Radico All Natural Henna Products

Introducing our all-natural henna products – your safe and reliable choice for beautiful temporary body art and hair dyeing. Unlike fake henna powders that may have detrimental effects down the line, our products prioritize your well-being and ensure a positive experience.

With our authentic natural & organic henna powder, you can embrace the ancient art of henna without compromising your health. We use pure, organic ingredients derived from the Lawsonia inermis plant, delivering stunning results without the risk of adverse reactions or long-term consequences.

Experience the joy of intricate organic henna powder to transform your hair with vibrant natural henna powder, knowing that our products are free from harmful additives like para-phenylenediamine (PPD) found in artificial henna. We prioritize your safety and take pride in offering a high-quality, authentic henna experience.

Organic Colorless Henna Hair Treatment Powder

Radico Organic Colorless Henna Powder (also known as Neutral Henna) is a type of natural heena powder does not add any color to the hair but gives all other benefits of henna. Because it contains Amla, reetha & shikakai. Where amla performs cleansing, reetha performs scrubbing & shikakai performs conditioning as well as hydrates the scalp and controls oil level in scalp.

Organic Herbal Henna Hair Treatment Powder

Radico Organic Herbal Henna Powder is used for colouring and conditioning hairs. It contains henna powder with herbs – Amla, Ritha, Shikakai, and Bhringraj. Where amla performs cleansing, reetha performs scrubbing & shikakai acts conditioning, hydrates the scalp, and controls the oil level in the scalp. It Improves hair growth, Reduces hair fall, conditions hair, prevents dandruff, controls scalp itchiness, repair split ends, maintain balance and keeps the scalp clean, makes your hair thick and lustrous, and Makes hair shiny, soft and manageable.

Organic Henna Hair Treatment Powder

Radico Organic Heena Powder is a form of natural henna, that hydrates the scalp and controls oil level in scalp (brings it near to normal), and give orange brown tone to your hair, Our Organic Henna Powder is of best quality not available anywhere else. These are all safe, natural that make your hair beautiful and healthy. It is cultivated without pesticides. Improves hair growth. Reduces hair fall, conditions hair, prevents dandruff, controls scalp itchiness, natural hair dye, repair split ends. Maintain balance and keeps scalp clean, makes your hair thick and lustrous. Makes hair shiny, soft and manageable.


Radico is not a brand, it is the trust of customers in 100+ countries. And when we say trust, remember it is not built in a day. It is our aim to give people the natural and organic form of products that has established our 30 year legacy. We think that it is our responsibility to give you authentic natural henna that has been carefully sourced and processed. We understand the significance of providing you with a worry-free and enjoyable henna experience, one that you can cherish for a lifetime.

Join us in our mission to create a safe synthetic chemical free community around the globe, experience the joy of organic henna, and hair colours and we assure that you will never regret this decision. Choose authenticity, choose quality, and let your creativity shine.

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